Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dead Armadillos and Presbyterians

If any phrase sums up the 220th GA so far (at least in matters concerning human sexuality and associated debates) it is "middle of the road."  The Commissioners on committees 6 and 7 have been thoughtful and considered in their work and have managed to steer through a minefield of overtures relatively unscathed.  I do not envy them their work, but I admire them for it.

It is important for the church to be prophetic.  And now that we are meeting only one week every two years, it is even more important that we remember the Great Ends of the Church to "promote social righteousness" and "proclaim the gospel for the salvation of human kind."  The witness of the PC(USA) in recent years is part of a great cloud of witnesses against the sins of exclusion, homophobia and bigotry.  That prophetic voice is vital and it is our holy and great calling as the body of Christ.

However, (I always have an however)...

In the midst of our prophetic proclamation to the world, we must not forget that other Great End, "the shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship of the children of God."  If one Great End needs to rise to the top of the list at this point in our denominational history, I vote for this one.  We are a church that has made great strides forward in both faithfulness and witness in recent years.  And there is absolutely much more to be done.  However, we are also a church in which many of our brothers and sisters are hurting now as a result of these changes. 

In addition to our prophetic calling in the world, we have a pastoral calling in our denominational family and we need some family time.  We need a season of healing and renewal as we seek to come back together as the body of Christ in the PC(USA). 

The work of the Church Orders and Polity committees at GA is a step in that direction.  Both committees resisted the pressure to move the church backward and the pressure to legislate away potential future disagreements.   In short, they have endorsed a season of trust that the Holy Spirit will hold and keep us in the midst of our tension. 

There are times when the middle of the road is a dangerous place to be.  (Just ask an armadillo.)  However, when it comes to the shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship of such a diverse body of the children of God it is just about the perfect place to be.

So thanks to these committees for their hard work but mostly for their willingness to seek a middle way.  Hopefully the full Assembly will follow their wise counsel.

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