Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Theological Issues Part 1: Putting Words to Work in Worship

Now that we are in the actual business sessions of the assembly, it is time to start blogging again.

So far we have heard from the Theological Issues and Institutions committee.  Two items of interest came out of their report in addition to several tributes to individuals who have served the church.

First, we have a new Directory for Worship on the way to presbyteries for approval.  Given how little most Presbyterians know about the theology of our worship, a simpler more user-friendly directory is a good step in the right direction.  But there is something more important about this change.

As a church, we embrace our call to be guided by the Holy Spirit and reformed in our living based on the Spirit’s work in our midst.  Over the last three decades we have seen the church move forward on numerous theological and social issues.  Could anyone imagine in 1989 (the year the current directory was adopted) that in less than three decades love between two people would be recognized as just that- love.  We have two women as our co-Moderators just 60 years after the first women pioneer  Teaching Elders started to chip away at the stained glass ceiling (which still needs some work).

We are a changed church.  Yet our theology and liturgical guidance in our constitution are from a vastly different era in the life of the church.  The new Directory for Worship is a chance for the church to reform the way we proclaim our faith when we are together even as we reform the theological witness beyond the walls.  As we grow the church of Jesus Christ and work to broaden the reach of the church as we share God’s love, our worship lives must reflect the same liveliness as our social witness hopes to do. 

That the new directory was adopted by a strong majority speaks to the desire of the church to continually reform who we are in the light of Christ and work of the Spirit. 

However, just as our new Governance is only as effective as our willingness to put it to work in the creative ministry of the church, the new Directory of Worship will be a dead letter if our churches are not willing to put these words to work in the life of the church.

As the directory says, “We are gathered in worship to glorify the God who is PRESENT AND ACTIVE among us…”

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